Ana Tabakova

It all began when schoolgirl Ana went to see "Suburbia", a play starring Stefania Koleva and Deyan Donkov, at The Bulgarian Army Theatre.

"I remember at the end of the last act, a young Stefania entered from behind us as a femme fatale with dark sunglasses and dramatic lines, walked up on stage and did the final act. I was completely mesmerized by the whole experience! When I got home I said: "Mum, I’m dropping out of school. I'm going to be an actress!"

Although she didn’t drop out, the very next day Ana joined the school drama club, just as they were distributing the parts for their next show. Guess who got the lead? After her graduation and before enrolling at the National Academy of Theatre & Film Arts, she was approached by the Sliven Drama Theatre and offered the role of The Girl in Bus, alongside acting heavy weights Tatyana Lolova and Georgi Rusev.

"My experienced colleagues didn't welcome me with open arms. It took a while to win them over. I was given only ten days to prepare for the role and my knowledge of the fundamentals of acting was very limited - I mean, I came from a family of mathematicians. The local actors all knew me, had seen me in school plays and at various festivals, and liked me. I finally earned everyone's respect when Georgi Rusev forgot his lines one night and I bailed him out by improvising. I was the only one with lines that allowed me to ad-lib and I reacted just in time."

Following this trial by fire, Ana enrolled at the National Academy of Theatre & Film Arts where she studied Drama Theatre Acting in Krikor Azaryan and Todor Kolev's and last ever class.

"I learned so much from them that it's hard to summarize it. They laid the foundation of who I am today. I'll never forget Koko's last words of advice just before our graduation. He said 'The time has come for you to forget everything we taught you, on stage you need to use your brains and think – do that and you'll be fine."

Since then Ana has performed here, there and everywhere, including stints at Little City Theatre "Off The Channel", Sfumato Theatre Laboratory and The Drama and Puppet Theatre in Vratsa.

Which brings us to the present and Mladen Aleksiev's HYSTER.

"Me and Mladen clicked the first time we met. Then later, when he began work on his project, he asked me to be in it. That set the wheels in motion. HYSTER isn't exactly a stage play, but more of a performative act. There are no roles in it for actors to play. The only exception to this are the video acts, which are also in their essence improvisational, but based on characters conceived beforehand. The live performance is improvised with the acts ordered differently in every show, the new order being determned on the day by an algorhythm based on keywords for the latest google news and a director's matrix that arranges the show in its entirety. We only get to see it and prepare on the day itself.

Going on stage as myself - I actually found that extremely challenging. The hardest part is overcoming your own fear of being wide open and within the reach of others, which makes you vulnerable. When you're on stage you can't lie or hide because that destroys the whole purpose of it. And we all did that, we got right through to the very core - no roles, masks or barriers."

HYSTER isn't Ana's only current project. She tells us she's also involved in something being made for the big screen, but won't say another word until it's finished. "You'll be the first ones to know when it is," she promises. We can't wait!

I wake up to a cup of tea, some sport and a breakfast for champions.
I never leave the house without knowing where I'm going. Maybe I need to improvise a bit more at times (laughs).

I'm never late for a film set, a theatre performance, casting auditions or anything else work related.
It's very embarrassing watching people who have an inflated view of themselves.

I always say to myself that everything will be fine.
The perfect evening/night would be one so perfect, it would be endless. Shared with another person. A bit like love - turbulent, fun, a little sad, somewhat absurd and a bit clumsy, fortuitous, inspirational. Invigorating.

I'm usually in good shape. With some exceptions (laughing).
I never dance on tables. I find it unhygienic.

I'm all for honesty. I can't understand why people suppress the instinct to be genuine.
I felt great the first time I stepped out on stage in the theatre. I'll never forget the silence and smelling the theatre - like being inside a temple; feeling a connection and intimacy - eager, but slightly nervous about being in service of others. Immersing yourself in the magic.

I would walk through fire for my beliefs. I believe in the impossible and rarely take "no" for an answer. I don't give up easily, even if I'm hesitant at times. Once I devote myself to something, it's for life. Obviously, the latter doesn't happen every day.
I'm sick of bullshit. I've heard my teacher at the academy, the great Todor Kolev say how frustrating it can be trying to enlighten ignorant fools who have no wish to learn. I feel exactly the same, but that's the way the world is.

I never tell people that they've gained or lost weight. I consider it rude.
Under my bed there used to be something which I'm not afraid of anymore. I'm joking!

I was mortified when my jeans split you-know-where in front of everyone while I was dancing. (laughing) It's not something I remember fondly and I had to go all the way home in my split jeans. Thank God I was sixteen!
My mum often tells me that she misses me and wishes I lived closer. People spend too much time separated. Today's world drives us further apart. I find that inhuman.

I want to grow old like Vivienne Westwood. With a youthful rebellious spirit, a sparkle in the eye, lots of wrinkles and bright coloured hair.
I play dumb when things get too complicated. Or when I'm in a good mood.

I can start a fight if I'm starving.
I'd kill you if you tried to get in the way of my work in the cinema, theatre, anywhere on stage. That's me.

I don't indulge in smoking. I gave it up and plan to keep it that way.
I go to sleep in silence.

The last film I saw was
Paolo Virzi's Like Crazy. I think it's a very relevant film that people need to see, especially those intrigued by the female psyche. Or the human soul in general. I recommend it.
The greatest actor that ever lived is
Sir Anthony Hopkins.
I like directors like Jim Jarmusch, von Trier for his early work, Paul Thomas Anderson, Wes Anderson, Tarantino, Fellini, Lynch, Wim Wenders... need I go on?
The dumbest film I've ever seen is one whose name or director I don't even remember. It was so bad you couldn't even laugh at it.
I laughed my head off when I saw  Little Miss Sunshine. It's old, but it will have you in stitches. Another great one is "The Party", starring Peter Sellers.
I plan on seeing
Human Capital, another Virzi film and the Jarmusch oldie Down by Law.
Movies are
the other love of my life, to which I've recently been devoting a lot more of my time and energy. I'm very excited about what lies ahead and can't wait to see the end result.

I generally listen to
music non-stop. It helps me focus, isolate myself and get inspired.
I never tire of
hearing Peter Sellers and Sophia Loren sing “Goodness Gracious Me”, or Ella Fitzgerald’s version of “Let’s Do It (Let’s Fall In Love)”. Lately I’ve been listening to Harry Nillson’s “Coconut” a lot. I like jazz. There are some things I can never get enough of. I also like modern classical music - Steve Reich, John Cage, Ludovico Einaudi.

The best book ever is
An Actor’s Work by Stanislavski. I consider it a bible. Even if you don’t subscribe to his system, this book is a starting point for any actor. Also, anything by Dostoevski.
I’m currently reading The Actor’s Art and Craft by William Esper, who teaches the Meisner Technique.
The best writers are
Russian. Dostoevski, Chekhov, Gogol, Bulgakov, Lermontov.

I go to the theatre because
I’m performing there, watching a friend perform, or seeing the work of a playwright I like.
I like plays written by
Chekhov, Pinter, all of Shakespeare’s. I’m also very interested in contemporary theatre.
The last play I saw was
The Blue Bird by Marius Kurkinski. I liked it.
The most important qualities a good actor should have are
the ability to convey emotion, reflexivity, to have aura and presence.
a riddle. To fans of classical theatre it will seem like an exhibition. If you’re more into performance art, you’ll see HYSTER as theatre. HYSTER is a meeting-point for artists crying out for something current and new. Primarily, though, it’s associative play wherein everyone can find something for themselves.

I’m interested
in modern photography, painting and sculpture. I like performance installations and art in the urban environment.
The last exhibition I went to
was “Domus Aurea - Ivan Spasov” at Swimming Pool Art Space. It was quite a thrill to see the great Bulgarian avangardist’s personal collection up close. I also went to see the Borjana Ventzislavova exhibition “We Are Part Of a Collection”, organized by DOMA Art Foundation at The Water Tower. I also enjoy the events at the Aether art space run by Voin de Voin, I think they’re very hip and relevant.
My favourite painters/artists are
those whose work I can relate to and who strike a chord with me. Art is a very personal experience. If we’re talking Bulgarian contemporary stuff, I’m an admirer of Stefan Petrunov’s paintings..We worked together on a portrait of mine. I had the chance to examine his work in detail and loved it. Datim Dimov Rothschild is another very interesting artist. They’re both brilliant. I can think of quite a few others, but those are the two I’m really feeling at the moment.

Text Martina Panayotova? Photography Sofia Zasheva

It all began when schoolgirl Ana went to see "Suburbia", a play starring Stefania Koleva and Deyan Donkov, at The Bulgarian Army Theatre.

"I remember at the end of the last act, a young Stefania entered from behind us as a femme fatale with dark sunglasses and dramatic lines, walked up on stage and did the final act. I was completely mesmerized by the whole experience! When I got home I said: "Mum, I’m dropping out of school. I'm going to be an actress!"

Although she didn’t drop out, the very next day Ana joined the school drama club, just as they were distributing the parts for their next show. Guess who got the lead? After her graduation and before enrolling at the National Academy of Theatre & Film Arts, she was approached by the Sliven Drama Theatre and offered the role of The Girl in Bus, alongside acting heavy weights Tatyana Lolova and Georgi Rusev.

"My experienced colleagues didn't welcome me with open arms. It took a while to win them over. I was given only ten days to prepare for the role and my knowledge of the fundamentals of acting was very limited - I mean, I came from a family of mathematicians. The local actors all knew me, had seen me in school plays and at various festivals, and liked me. I finally earned everyone's respect when Georgi Rusev forgot his lines one night and I bailed him out by improvising. I was the only one with lines that allowed me to ad-lib and I reacted just in time."

Following this trial by fire, Ana enrolled at the National Academy of Theatre & Film Arts where she studied Drama Theatre Acting in Krikor Azaryan and Todor Kolev's and last ever class.

"I learned so much from them that it's hard to summarize it. They laid the foundation of who I am today. I'll never forget Koko's last words of advice just before our graduation. He said 'The time has come for you to forget everything we taught you, on stage you need to use your brains and think – do that and you'll be fine."

Since then Ana has performed here, there and everywhere, including stints at Little City Theatre "Off The Channel", Sfumato Theatre Laboratory and The Drama and Puppet Theatre in Vratsa.

Which brings us to the present and Mladen Aleksiev's HYSTER.

"Me and Mladen clicked the first time we met. Then later, when he began work on his project, he asked me to be in it. That set the wheels in motion. HYSTER isn't exactly a stage play, but more of a performative act. There are no roles in it for actors to play. The only exception to this are the video acts, which are also in their essence improvisational, but based on characters conceived beforehand. The live performance is improvised with the acts ordered differently in every show, the new order being determned on the day by an algorhythm based on keywords for the latest google news and a director's matrix that arranges the show in its entirety. We only get to see it and prepare on the day itself.

Going on stage as myself - I actually found that extremely challenging. The hardest part is overcoming your own fear of being wide open and within the reach of others, which makes you vulnerable. When you're on stage you can't lie or hide because that destroys the whole purpose of it. And we all did that, we got right through to the very core - no roles, masks or barriers."

HYSTER isn't Ana's only current project. She tells us she's also involved in something being made for the big screen, but won't say another word until it's finished. "You'll be the first ones to know when it is," she promises. We can't wait!

I wake up to a cup of tea, some sport and a breakfast for champions.
I never leave the house without knowing where I'm going. Maybe I need to improvise a bit more at times (laughs).

I'm never late for a film set, a theatre performance, casting auditions or anything else work related.
It's very embarrassing watching people who have an inflated view of themselves.

I always say to myself that everything will be fine.
The perfect evening/night would be one so perfect, it would be endless. Shared with another person. A bit like love - turbulent, fun, a little sad, somewhat absurd and a bit clumsy, fortuitous, inspirational. Invigorating.

I'm usually in good shape. With some exceptions (laughing).
I never dance on tables. I find it unhygienic.

I'm all for honesty. I can't understand why people suppress the instinct to be genuine.
I felt great the first time I stepped out on stage in the theatre. I'll never forget the silence and smelling the theatre - like being inside a temple; feeling a connection and intimacy - eager, but slightly nervous about being in service of others. Immersing yourself in the magic.

I would walk through fire for my beliefs. I believe in the impossible and rarely take "no" for an answer. I don't give up easily, even if I'm hesitant at times. Once I devote myself to something, it's for life. Obviously, the latter doesn't happen every day.
I'm sick of bullshit. I've heard my teacher at the academy, the great Todor Kolev say how frustrating it can be trying to enlighten ignorant fools who have no wish to learn. I feel exactly the same, but that's the way the world is.

I never tell people that they've gained or lost weight. I consider it rude.
Under my bed there used to be something which I'm not afraid of anymore. I'm joking!

I was mortified when my jeans split you-know-where in front of everyone while I was dancing. (laughing) It's not something I remember fondly and I had to go all the way home in my split jeans. Thank God I was sixteen!
My mum often tells me that she misses me and wishes I lived closer. People spend too much time separated. Today's world drives us further apart. I find that inhuman.

I want to grow old like Vivienne Westwood. With a youthful rebellious spirit, a sparkle in the eye, lots of wrinkles and bright coloured hair.
I play dumb when things get too complicated. Or when I'm in a good mood.

I can start a fight if I'm starving.
I'd kill you if you tried to get in the way of my work in the cinema, theatre, anywhere on stage. That's me.

I don't indulge in smoking. I gave it up and plan to keep it that way.
I go to sleep in silence.

The last film I saw was
Paolo Virzi's Like Crazy. I think it's a very relevant film that people need to see, especially those intrigued by the female psyche. Or the human soul in general. I recommend it.
The greatest actor that ever lived is
Sir Anthony Hopkins.
I like directors like Jim Jarmusch, von Trier for his early work, Paul Thomas Anderson, Wes Anderson, Tarantino, Fellini, Lynch, Wim Wenders... need I go on?
The dumbest film I've ever seen is one whose name or director I don't even remember. It was so bad you couldn't even laugh at it.
I laughed my head off when I saw  Little Miss Sunshine. It's old, but it will have you in stitches. Another great one is "The Party", starring Peter Sellers.
I plan on seeing
Human Capital, another Virzi film and the Jarmusch oldie Down by Law.
Movies are
the other love of my life, to which I've recently been devoting a lot more of my time and energy. I'm very excited about what lies ahead and can't wait to see the end result.

I generally listen to
music non-stop. It helps me focus, isolate myself and get inspired.
I never tire of
hearing Peter Sellers and Sophia Loren sing “Goodness Gracious Me”, or Ella Fitzgerald’s version of “Let’s Do It (Let’s Fall In Love)”. Lately I’ve been listening to Harry Nillson’s “Coconut” a lot. I like jazz. There are some things I can never get enough of. I also like modern classical music - Steve Reich, John Cage, Ludovico Einaudi.

The best book ever is
An Actor’s Work by Stanislavski. I consider it a bible. Even if you don’t subscribe to his system, this book is a starting point for any actor. Also, anything by Dostoevski.
I’m currently reading The Actor’s Art and Craft by William Esper, who teaches the Meisner Technique.
The best writers are
Russian. Dostoevski, Chekhov, Gogol, Bulgakov, Lermontov.

I go to the theatre because
I’m performing there, watching a friend perform, or seeing the work of a playwright I like.
I like plays written by
Chekhov, Pinter, all of Shakespeare’s. I’m also very interested in contemporary theatre.
The last play I saw was
The Blue Bird by Marius Kurkinski. I liked it.
The most important qualities a good actor should have are
the ability to convey emotion, reflexivity, to have aura and presence.
a riddle. To fans of classical theatre it will seem like an exhibition. If you’re more into performance art, you’ll see HYSTER as theatre. HYSTER is a meeting-point for artists crying out for something current and new. Primarily, though, it’s associative play wherein everyone can find something for themselves.

I’m interested
in modern photography, painting and sculpture. I like performance installations and art in the urban environment.
The last exhibition I went to
was “Domus Aurea - Ivan Spasov” at Swimming Pool Art Space. It was quite a thrill to see the great Bulgarian avangardist’s personal collection up close. I also went to see the Borjana Ventzislavova exhibition “We Are Part Of a Collection”, organized by DOMA Art Foundation at The Water Tower. I also enjoy the events at the Aether art space run by Voin de Voin, I think they’re very hip and relevant.
My favourite painters/artists are
those whose work I can relate to and who strike a chord with me. Art is a very personal experience. If we’re talking Bulgarian contemporary stuff, I’m an admirer of Stefan Petrunov’s paintings..We worked together on a portrait of mine. I had the chance to examine his work in detail and loved it. Datim Dimov Rothschild is another very interesting artist. They’re both brilliant. I can think of quite a few others, but those are the two I’m really feeling at the moment.

Text Martina Panayotova? Photography Sofia Zasheva

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