Bruno Coulais is born in France but has Irish ancestry and has great affection in the folklore of Ireland. Which explains why he creates such beautiful music for the animated fairy tales of the Irish studio Cartoon Saloon and why he appears in the Irsih folk band Kíla. Bruno Coulais has won several Cesar and Annie awards and has been nominated for Oscar. He is currently in Bulgaria as part of the jury for CineLibri festival and we talk about music, cinema, why he often travels to Bulgaria and how he creates the beautiful melodies we hear in the movies.
Is it your first time here in Bulgaria?
No, no! My wife is from Sofia. And I often come here to work. We recorded here the music of Tomm Moore’s Song of the Sea with the Bulgarian National Radio Orchestra. And I also come here for holidays.
Have you worked for a Bulgarian production so far?
No, I still haven’t. But I’d love to because recently I saw some beautiful Bulgarian films. For example Slava (Glory) is a masterpiece. I was in the jury of Les Arcs film festival and Slava was among the awarded films. I was really impressed by the quality of the movie.
Now you are also a part of the jury of CineLibri film festival. Is it a big responsibility to rate movies?
Yes, of course. It is really subjective and sometimes you have to decide between two good films. But I am also very happy to participate in this special festival, which combines literature and cinema (the movies, shown during CineLibri are based on books). Literature itself is so important and CineLibri is unique festival to gather these two elements of art and imagination.
As a composer yourself, is the music of the film more important for you when you are deciding the winners, or the film as a full piece of art, composed of all its elements?
It is always the film itself. Of course, I also pay attention to the music and I am really happy when the music is fantastic.
You have worked on the music of many movies in different genres. Is there a different approach for each type of film you compose the soundtrack for?
Yes, it is different and this is one of the things I love in working for the cinema - for each film I change my approach towards the music. And I am really happy when I am working on animated movies because the schedule is very long. This way I can change my mind and try various things. Most of the times they are not based in realistic worlds and the music has to add to this magic.
When you start working on a certain film, do you read the script only or you also have to see some scenes from it?
I always read the script and every time when there are scenes available, I prefer to see them as well. It is harder just to imagine the story and the vision of the movie only by the script. The story is not so important for me. I am always taken by the light of the film, by its mood and atmosphere.
What kind of films do you prefer to work on?
I love working on different genres - either feature films or animations. I was very lucky, because I composed the music for fantastic animated movies - the films of Tomm, Coraline, last year I wrote the music for two other animated movies. The diversity of the cinema is very important for me.
Speaking on animations, you have worked with both Tomm Moore and Neil Gaiman, who are both born on the Island and making beautiful fairy tales. Do you think that the folklore and traditions of the Albion have something to do with this fact?
Maybe that has given its influence and runs in the blood of both Tomm and Neil. For Tomm I am also making music with a traditional Irish band called Kíla. And speaking of fairy tales - I am not a big fan of realistic movies, so I prefer the atmosphere of folk tales - not only Irish for sure. The fantasy in them is what gets me most..
Do you have a favorite director that you would like to work with but you still haven’t?
They are too many. And I can’t just approach a director and tell him: “Listen, I want to work with you” (laughs). I also am very lazy and I am working slowly. And life is too short to make everything you want (laughs).
Who are the film composers whose music you really like?
I love the music Alberto Iglesias does for the movies of Pedro Almodovar. He is a good friend and I have a great admiration for his work. I also like Gabriel Yared’s works. But I do not play film music very often, believe it or not. I prefer it when it comes together with the movie but I rarely buy CDs with movie soundtracks.
What kind of music do you listen to?
I listen to a lot of classical music and symphonic music by contemporary artists. I also love jazz and traditional music from different regions. I am very curious about old songs and melodies, rooted in the folklore.
When you start working on the music of a certain film, do you have to prepare for it or the music grows up with you during the process?
It depends. Sometimes I watch the film and suddenly an idea appears to me. And other times it is a long process. When I was younger, I used to stay in my office, trying to think of the most suitable melody. Now I prefer to go outside and do things. Sometimes an idea comes while I am watching an exhibition or during a travel.
Do your travels have impact on your work?
Absolutely! For example recording here in Sofia or recording in London have different influences on the music itself. The period of recording is a strong and important part of my work, it is very intensive process. So, definitely the place I am has its influence on the music I make.
How is working with a band like Kíla compared to working with an orchestra?
It is different. Working with an orchestra is easy for me because I write the music and they play it. With Kíla it is different because first I write some of the music then I have to sing or play the piano. It is also very pleasant because we are not recording in a studio, but in a house near Dublin. And we work, play and live together - it is very friendly and intimate atmosphere.
Are you going to make the music for Tomm Moore’s next movie Wolfwalkers?
Yes, I am already working on it and it makes me very happy. I think Tomm is a genius and a wonderful person. You know, I am French but my father is of an Irsih origin and I am very connected with Irish people and their culture.
What are the next movies you are going to work on?
In 5 days I am starting to record the music for a French comedy. It is not easy for me because I am not a fan of music that is supposed to make you laugh - the music has to be very serious or beautiful. So, let’s see how this one will turn out (laughs).
Have you already seen most of the movies in CineLibri and do you have favorites?
Yes, I saw many of the films in the program and I already have three or four favorites. There are a lot of interesting movies in the selection, so try to see as many as you can.
Text Ivaylo Alexandrov/ Photography Sofia Zasheva
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